Self Dedication Ritual

For many Wiccans, Initiation rites and Elevations are one of the greatest and most powerful rituals they will be part of.

For those of you who wish to, I have included here a special Self dedication ritual to perform at your leisure.

There are two schools of thought that go into Initiation rituals, the first school is that only the Gods can initiate you through the conduit of another Witch, and the more modern belief is that you can initiate yourself. I fall into the traditional line of thought personally, so as I cannot be there with each and every one of you at the start of your journey, I give you in its place an Elevation rite of Self Dedication.

This ritual is meant to give you a way to meet with and dedicate your walk through this life to the Gods. The ritual is meant to be performed on your own, and with a feeling of heartfelt love and admiration of the Divine.

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